NFT Coins recap

Presale, partnerships and more

2 min readJun 1, 2021

Hello NFT Coins Community!

We have news for you:
The private sale has been a success! Fasten your seatbelts because we are ready for take off. Our team has worked constantly so that the project grows and reaches the proposed goals.
• We have completed the pre-sale and the private sale according to the established schedule and exceeded all expectations. We sold more than 25 million NFT Coins to investors from more than 10 countries!
• We have audited the NFT Coins contract to demonstrate the transparency of the project! TechRate conducted a preliminary audit — which we approved — and is working on a full audit that will be published later for all of you.
• We are working on publishing all the information of the project in BSC Scan, to be able to differentiate ourselves from false tokens or others that use our same name without a real project behind. This request is being processed.
• About the listing in exchanges, in addition to PancakeSwap, we are working to be listed in other exchanges. We are in advanced talks and it will not take long for NFT Coins to be listed on various platforms.
• We are hiring developers with experience in blockchain development for the launch of the NFTs sale and auction platform, which will have NFT Coins as an exchange token for all transactions carried out within it.
• We have two partners with whom we will work on the reciprocal promotion of our projects. These are Theos Finance and Lothal Mining. We are also closing awesome new partnerships that we will reveal later.
This will be huge, don’t stay down!

